Only available until December 30, 2023

It is written in Tehillim (32:7), “You are my shelter. You protect me from trouble…” In spite of our spiritual weakness, G-d does not abandon us and continues to protect us individually and collectively as a nation.

Rabbi Noam Elimelech ztk’l presents an image of how the end of days will appear to us. Dring our time, the generation of the footsteps of Mashiach, it will feel as though a long thick rope is dangling from the sky with G-d ‘holding’ on to one side and all of Israel holding onto the other. G-d will shake the rope vigorously back and forth. Those who are foolish will let go and fall down saying G-d obviously doesn’t want us anymore. The wise will hold on with their dear life knowing that G-d is ‘testing’ His loyal servants.

When is loyalty tested? When the ‘boss’ is not around – not when he is looking over everyone’s shoulder with beady eyes. It’s rough – it’s a tough war – within and without; fighting the enemy within and without. But let us rest assured, we may think the ‘boss’ is not around – but He is watching and how!

Feel & Heal exercise of the day:

The battle we are facing is within. There are 2 choices:

  1. Rationalize in our minds that what is happening around us is unjust ~ how can it be from a loving Father, c’v? OR
  2. Hold on to our emuna and the words proclaimed since Har Sinai: G-d will NEVER abandon His people

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